Wiki Neoplasm ICD-9 Coding

Douglasville , GA
Best answers
Hello Coders,

I have a question:

Can you code a primary Neoplasm DX as the second code if its not being treated?

For example the patient is being treated for Secondary Lung Cancer but has Liver cancer but isn't receiving treatment for it today... Its noted in the patient record that he has the Liver Cancer ....

Could I code it as :

First Code: Secondary Lung Cancer
Second Code: Liver Cancer ......

Thanks In Advance ....... :)
When you code for the metastatic cancer you must also code the primary site. You code first-listed the one that is currently being treated, so yes code the secondary lung cancer followed by the primary liver cancer.
Coding Guidelines page 8 Chapter 2: Neoplasms/section b states:

"Treatment of secondary site

When a patient is admitted because of a primary neoplasm with metastasis and treatment is directed toward the secondary site only, the secondary neoplasm is designated as the principle diagnosis even though the primary malignancy is still present."
