Wiki Neoplasm code?


True Blue
Lithonia, GA
Best answers
MD states colon cancer with multiple liver mets coded as 153.9 & 197.7. Path reports states metastatic colonic adenocarcinoma; Liver biopsy states metastatic colorectal cancer. My question is do I code as above MD's statement or can I forgo what the MD states and be more specific using the path report? 154.0 & 197.7?

As per an article I've read on 'Coding Neoplasms Accurately', "Whenever a biopsy or excisional procedure is performed for the expressed purpose of determining whether a particular tissue is malignant or not, the record should not be final coded until the path report is present."

Your opinions do matter.
I think you go with the path report as that is the definitive diagnosis. You do want to get it right when you are dealing with malignant neoplasms and metastatic cancer.