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Beechhurst, NY
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What is the best code for CONFUSION for elderly patients with no Mental disorder is it 298.2? or 780.97?

Happy Halloween!

What is the best code for CONFUSION for elderly patients with no Mental disorder is it 298.2? or 780.97?

Happy Halloween!


I would say 780.97.. if you're referring to symptoms, like he got hit in the head and came to the clinic confused. You would use 298.2 if it's a mental disorder type of confusion i would think since it's categorized under that, like something's not actually right with the patients head.
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What is the best code for CONFUSION for elderly patients with no Mental disorder is it 298.2? or 780.97?

Happy Halloween!

298.2 is for reactive confusion in the category 298 for other non organic psychosis. And 780.97 is altered mental status in the 780 category for general symptoms. You need to look closely at the documentation and what the provider is trying to communicate. A single word of confusion is not enough to go on.
We're are coding Home Care Visits for 99% elderly patients and there is a Category Assessment where most of the time the provider will document; Confusion with NO mental disorder so I'm trying to look for right or at least the closest diagnosis but honestly I'm using the 780.97 even though the other coder told me that they are using the 298.2, pls. advise.

Thank you
If the provider specifically states with no mental disorder then the 298.2 is absolutely incorrect. I agree with your choice given that documentation.
298.2 is reactive confusion as a part of or result of a psychosis of non organic origin. Extreme emotional distress can cause this. Such as an elderly person that escapes a burning house, and the resulting extreme emotional stress causes the person to become confused.
Without documentation to support the reactive confusion I could not support the use of this code.
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