Wiki Needing help coding a human bite.


Lexington, KY
Best answers
3 yr old brought in by dad, Patient bit by a 10 yr old eight months ago who was very sick at that time. The bite wound created deep puncture wound over her cheek. dad is concerned if the pt contracted any infectious disease through the contact. That girl was their neighbour. pt does not have any fever , chills, wt loss. he is very playful, no illness noted in last 8 months.

This pt was also given a test for hepatitis and HIV
Code open wound on face 873 - 4th didget is required for site (cheek) 873.1
E-Code for Human Bite E928.3
Contact or exposure to communicable diseases (other viral diseases) V01.79
The patient was bit 8 months ago, and is just now being brought in for evaluation. If no problems are noted and only precautionary tests then you have V codes for screening for the hepatitis and the HIV. There is no exposure to a viral disease documented and no open wound 8 months later.
The patient was bit 8 months ago, and is just now being brought in for evaluation. If no problems are noted and only precautionary tests then you have V codes for screening for the hepatitis and the HIV. There is no exposure to a viral disease documented and no open wound 8 months later.

I'd have to agree, if it was 8 months ago chances are the wound is closed.
Human bite

Need help coding a simple one

patient comes in for a human bite the bite was done by a special needs child injury is localized at the right forearn , that which did break the skin patientexperienced mild to moderate discomfort

please help asas