Wiki Need to Re-Register to Retake CPC Exam


Savannah, GA
Best answers
I was definitely told we get one FREE retake!

Unfortunately, I've looked and clicked all over for this "My Events" and "My Account" page/tab, but I can get to my Local Chapter events -- but no matter where I go it takes me back to the initial exam registration page and shows that I owe $325. PLEASE HELP ASAP! I need to register for the 12/12 exam in Savannah, there are only 11 seats left last I checked!

I did this recently, If you have a retake left there should be a tab called Exam Vouchers or something like that. I'm actually registered twice for CPC in November and December in case I fail the first
That's the frustrating thing, it doesn't do that for me. When I click that it just takes me to the same initial registration page like I said. Can anybody screenshot it because I am just INSANELY lost. Argh!

EDIT: Nevermind! Found it. Must have been a problem with my cache or something...

Thanks again, guys. XD;
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If you've already registered for an exam, just go to My AAPC in the upper-right hand corner of the main page, then go to ">Purchases/Items" under My Account, and it should be there. :)