Wiki Need to find code for rare conditions???


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Good morning,

I'm trying to find an ICD-9 code for:

1. GMCSF reeptor defect as a rare cause of pulmonary alveolar proteinosis. I can find pulmonary alveolar proteinosis but not sure about what to code the first part?

2. Secretory Hyperresonsiveness??? no clue on that one?

Any help is greatly appreciated!

Mary Beth
Good morning,

I'm trying to find an ICD-9 code for:

1. GMCSF reeptor defect as a rare cause of pulmonary alveolar proteinosis. I can find pulmonary alveolar proteinosis but not sure about what to code the first part?

2. Secretory Hyperresonsiveness??? no clue on that one?

Any help is greatly appreciated!

Mary Beth

What is the context exactly?
Pediatric Pulmonology, this physician sees very rare cases of the above. He said sometimes there are only about twenty known cases in the world and he is unable to find the correct ICD-9 code.

I can't find it either

I would code Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis as 516.0.

GMCSF (Granulocyte macrophage colony stimulating factor) is a growth factor which is defective or lacking in people with pulmonary alveolar proteinosis leading to abnormal accumulation of surfactant within the alveoli hence, interfering with gas exchange. . This being the fact i would not code GMCSF......

Secretory hyperresponsiveness..... I don't think this sentence is complete.... I am not sure if it meant surfactant hyperresponsiveness. you need to query the physician here.......

To read more on Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis check the website.....

I hope this helps.....
I feel the code 516 .0 is self sufficient to decribe the major diagnostic condition.
If your physician wants to go for more deeper intrigate diagnosis with the surfactant and the responsiveness an dso on , let me give a suggestion with the pathophysiological factor related to it.
Try one of the codes in the series 279.xx series which deals with the combines metabolic and immnune mediated deceased statuses
It is autosomal recessive disorder of immune mediated deceased condition, wherein the cytokine /and or interleukine component of the plasma protein metabolism( of the Gamma Globulin chain ) gets deranged. Variety of conditions are met with.
Until we have a better knowledge of the intricate network of interactions among energy regulation, immune surveillance and vital organ functions could in the near future lead to valuable strategies for managements in several immune-mediated diseases, we cannot pin point and assign a code for this ( as far my knowledge goes).
But the ICD -9 CM of the Endocrine ,nutritiona,l Metabolic and Immunity Chapter can find a way, since this is a immune mediated disease with plasma protein metabolism(Gamma globulin fraction difficient status) and an Autosomal recessive disorder, I would like to think of 279.2 to the closest specificity.
If you or your physician have any other suggestion while pondering into the details of its pathophysiology, may be you can be more closer than what I suggested.