Wiki Need to check my codes


Rockmart, GA
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It has been a while since I have coded one of these procedures and really need to check my coding. Would you code the below procedure as 36215, 75710-26?

Clinical history: Right axillary bleeding and dropping hematocrit

Exam: Right axillary arteriogram

Technique: The risks benefits and procedure itself was explained to the patient and informed written consent was obtained. Patient placed in the supine position. Right groin was cleaned and draped in a sterile fashion. 1% lidocaine used to anesthetize the overlying soft tissues. Under ultrasound guidance, micropuncture needle used to gain access to the visualized portion of the right femoral artery. Note made that access was difficult due to patient`s size. Under fluoroscopic evaluation using combination of Bentson wire, 0.035 stiff angled Glidewire, Simmons 2 catheter, and angled tip catheter contents are made to access the right subclavian artery without 6 due to proximal stenosis. Arteriogram was performed of the aorta as well as position the catheter at the origin of the brachiocephalic artery on the right. Wire was replaced catheter was removed. Pressure held final hemostasis obtained. Patient tolerated procedure well.

Findings comparative
1. Right axilla arteriogram demonstrates enhancement of subclavian artery and multiple branches extending to the region of the hematoma without evidence of active extravasation at this time.
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