Wiki Need suggestions on software


Phoenix, AZ
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I work in a Tribal billing position....we are looking for software suggestions that will accomodate several modalities....EMS, non-emergency transportation, diabetes, Community Health Representatives, and Behavioral Health/Substance Abuse Outpatient, and later to add maybe Indian Health Service well as others that may be added in the is for a newly developing billing department, which is being attempted because of my success billing the Mental Health/Subtance Abuse Portion portion...all the other depts had been just preparing and sending the billing out, and having to pay massive amounts to accomplish this...the Tribe wants to bring all the billing back to the reservation and do it "in house"...

anyway, if anyone has any suggestions, PLEASE let me know...thanks:)
Billing Software

I am an independent billing service, working with Physical Therapists. I use Medisoft. It is set up for either billing services or as practice management software. Medisoft claim submission is based on CMS1500 or UB Forms. I am hooked up with their clearinghouse to submit claims electronically (Relay Health). Or claims can be printed on those forms. Medisoft is easy to use, but tricky to set up. The big drawback is there is NO support, unless you pay $$$ to a third party. Contact info: or 800-333-4747.
Good Luck!
Sandy Van Kleeck - North Shore Billing Service