Wiki need info on coding in-situ

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I need to know if it is acceptable to code dysplasia of the prostate as 233.4? When I look in the neoplasm table, that code is for a malignant neoplasm of the prostate in-situ.
All of these pathology reports come back as negative and may site 1 or 2 cores positive for high grade pin, but they do not specify Pin 1,2 or 3. I think what we are seeing is a general term (high grade pin) that is used rather than for the actual Dx. of high grade pin 3.
Ex: (Is it Kleenex vs. Puffs Plus kind of a thing) Does anyone have any information regarding coding in situ in this situation ?
I am leary of coding a malignancy in a patient with a negetive path report.
Thanks for the help. ~ Donna
Thanks for the info. What I need is something concrete relating to only coding an actual malignancy for the ca in-situ codes. I am new- 1 yr - in our office and urology is new for me. What could I use as a reference for this issue ? Thanks for the help.
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see if you can get your hands on the AHA coding clinic, May-June 1985 issue, your hospital med records should have this. Also do some internet research on Ca in situ and talk to the tumor registry people in your hospital, and if you can find a pathologist willing to educate it really helps.
thanks, that's a good start for me. I will research this online this weekend. I am not in a hospital, I work out of my home for a local GU office so I don't know any pathologists or tumor registry people. I'll try to get ahold of some local people I know also. Thanks for all the leads. :)