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Hello Guys -

Hope everyone is doing GREAT!

I am in limbo with this one -- I have a hospitalist who okayed an admit on 7/15/2010 at 10:42pm, but didn't write his H&P until 7/16/2010 at 1:50am. What would be the actual day to bill the admit? I'm thinking it should be 7/16/2010. He's saying he spoke to the patient on 7/15/2010, does this count?

We can bill 9922x for the DOS when the physician renders his first face-to-face service. No matter when he completes his notes.
I have been having the same issue. Right now I have a claim which is being denied by Medicare because of this. They requested the notes and then denied the claim because the actual DOS is say the 20th, but the doctor did not dictate her note until the 21st and that is the date that shows up on the heading of the note. I am trying to correct this issue, but in the meantime I have to advise all of my Hospitalists that they need to add to their dictated note the date of the actual visit so this is not an issue in the future.

If the doctor acutally had the visit the date before, possibly an amended note to correct the date of service would take care of the issue. This is what I was thinking I would have to do to get our claim paid.

Any other suggestions or ideas out there???? :)