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Springville, AL
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What cpt code would you use if the doctor was going to perform a neck exploration for removal of thyroid mass residual after previous thyroidectomy, but when he did the procedure there was no obvious palpable nodular disease so they didn't remove any tissue. I can't find anything on this.


OP Note reads: The previous incision was opened with a #15 blade, subplatysmal flaps developed superiorly and inferiorly. The strap muscles divided in the midline. Wide dissection both on the right as well as left tracheoesophageal area was performed. Careful identification of the carotid artery bilaterally as well as internal jugular vein bilaterally. Wide dissection performed, carefully protecting the recurrent laryngeal nerve bilaterally. With careful palpation of the tracheoesophageal area as well as area underneath the carotid vessels, there was no obvious palpable nodular disease and the decision after long dissection was to not remove any tissue at this surgical intervention. Saline used to irrigate the wound. There was no significant bleeding. The wound was closed in two layers with a deep inverted interrupted 4-0 Vicryl as well as 4-0 Vicryl in the dermal layer with dermabond to the skin. Steri-Strips applied.