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Chattanooga, TN
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How would you code procedure proctosigmoidoscopy with endoscopic submucosal dissection? I am leaning towards unlisted procedure with modifier 22.
When you say sub mucosa dissection, was this performed for purposes of biopsy? How many specimens? Were the notes specific as to why the dissection was done. Therein lies your answer. You may need to get clarification from the provider.
This is for a precertification and they are trying to enter an order. They are looking for CPT codes to enter. We will not have any of that information until the procedure is done.
This is for a precertification and they are trying to enter an order. They are looking for CPT codes to enter. We will not have any of that information until the procedure is done.

Good to know. Go ahead and get the precert using the unspecified code. It will be up to the provider to document the procedure after the fact.