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I am having a difficult time finding a CPT code that fits this scenario. All help is appreciated. as you can see this is not a re-do of inquinal hernia.

Procedure Performed: Left groin exploration with re-repair left inguinal hernia with mesh.
Pre op DX: Persistant left inguinal neuralgia.
Indication: 5 days previous I repaired Left Inguinal hernia with mesh. patient complains of severe pain. Recommend uregen exploration of the groin.
Procedure: Left groin prepped and draped, old scare was opened with 15 blade followed by scissors all the way down the aponeurosis, which was opened up anda self-retaining retractor was brought in. No infection, hematoma or other sign of operative, perioperative complication was identified. Based on the location of the pain i went ahead and removed the laterally placed stitches and the running stitch along the shelving edge of the inguinal ligament and all the stitches placed medially to the level of the pubic bone. i then freedup the mesha dn i could not acutally identify the nerve so i went ahead and just redid all of the stitching around the mesh using only interrupted 0 Prolene sutures this time. I went laterally. I went along the shelving edge of the inguinal ligament and i went into the level of the pubic bone. i did it with interrupted sutures, and i tied them down loosely. More local was then injected and palpation revealed a good repair. Hopefully this will relieve her pain. i then closed the layers again and the external oblique aponeurosis, scarpa's fascia and skin with cautery with 2-0, 3-0 and 4-0 Vicryl respectively followed bu Benzoin and Steri-strips. patient will be sent home today.
I would code this as follows; 49505 with modifier 76 repeat procedure by same physician.

hope this helps
still unsure

i am still unsure about coding another hernia when the note specifically states no hernia or neuroma found. all he did was undo and retack the mesh.
would this still be correct?:confused:
I would use the hernia repair code with Modifier 52 (Reduced Services) I feel it would be most appropriate.