Wiki Need help with Place of Service!


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I have a unique billing situation and I need help with whether or not we can (or should) bill for this. Sorry this is so long, but it's complicated.

I bill for a group of hospital based Neonatologists. (independent group, not hospital owned). We have a Nurse Practitioner who is an employee of our group who went to an outlying hospital to help with transporting a premature baby to our receiving hospital's Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Typically we bill for the physician supervision of transport services 99288 as the receiving facility for the transport. However, in this case our NP got to the other hospital before the preterm baby was actually delivered. She attended the delivery and did resuscitation (99465), intubated (31500) and inserted UAC and UVC lines (global services). Typically the first 2 are billable services under the NP's provider ID, however I'm not sure we can bill because the service location would have to be the outlying hospital and we don't actually have privileges there. Does that matter? She was within the scope of her license to perform the care, but I'm not sure what to do because of the service location. Any thoughts would be appreciated.