Wiki Need HELP with new intervention codes


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I thought I understood the use of these codes but am confusing myself (and my fellow coders !!)
Dr placed a stent in the Posterior Ventricular branch of the RC to treat an acute mi. 92941
He then placed a stent in the distal main RC for a 70% lesion. So can we code 92928 for the main vessel intervention in addition to the 92941? Or is the main intervention disregarded?

Thanks in advance!
Here is my thought: since patient has documented MI and physician stented Posterior Ventricular (branch), we bill 92941. He then placed a stent in the distal main (base) RC, 92928, I think you could bill both as the coronary interventions are per, coronary vessel, then branches - not per intervention.

Now, if stenting were performed in the branch of a major coronary artery only then you come back to the BASE code for that PCI.

Whew, they really wanted to challenge us! :)
