Wiki Need help with Lower Ext case..please!


San Diego
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DX: IVC stenosis with bilateral lower extremity critical limb ischemia

1. Intravascular ultrasound, evaluation post venoplasty of the inferior vena cava.
2. Intravascular ultrasound, assessment and interpretation of the external iliac vein
3.Intravascular ultrasound, assessment and interpretation of the common iliac vien
4. IVC venoplasty to 30 mm.
4. External iliac venoplasty in the left.

Left groin was prepped. Ultrasonographic evaluation and guidance was used to advance the catheter into the common femoral vein over a micropuncture catheter system and this was dilated up to 11-french sheath that was placed into the external and common iliac vein. IVC catheter was placed up into the IVC and started at level of atrium and pullback intravascular ultrasound was performed all the way down to the level of external cephalic vein. There were two different stenosis that were noted. One in the mid IVC and another in the external iliac. 30 mm balloon angioplasty was used to perform an angioplasty of the inferior vena cava up to 4 atmospheres then the external iliac vein, a 12 mm balloon was used to perform a plasty as well up to 4 atmospheres of pressure. Follow-up IVUS showed much improvement to at least 60%.



76937-26??? x2???

Thank you!
IVC stenosis with bilateral lower extremity critical limb ischemia

I think I would code this case to 35476 and 75978-26 and 35476-XS and 75978-XU-26 and 76937. It does look at me like they did more than one intravascular ultrasound all the way down the leg.

This is what I think but I am learning IVR coding as well. I'm still not always sure of my codes.