Wiki Need help with levels


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I am a certified coder, but have recently been asked to also audit charts. I am having trouble with which level of a NEW patient visit is correct: What would be the level for the following sernerios: (1) history: expanded problem focused, exam:expanded problem focused and the medical decision making is moderate: (2) history: detailed, exam is established problem focused and the medical decision making is moderate. Both of these patients are new.

Any help would be appreciated!!
I am a certified coder, but have recently been asked to also audit charts. I am having trouble with which level of a NEW patient visit is correct: What would be the level for the following sernerios: (1) history: expanded problem focused, exam:expanded problem focused and the medical decision making is moderate: (2) history: detailed, exam is established problem focused and the medical decision making is moderate. Both of these patients are new.

Any help would be appreciated!!

In both cases, the correct level would be 99202 (assuiming these are office visits). You need to meet or exceed each key element in order to assign the E/M code. The moderate MDM in these cases exceeds that which is required for 99202, but in example 1, the history and exam both meet 99202, and in example 2, the exam meets 99202 where both the history and MDM exceed it.