Wiki Need help with IV


Buffalo, NY
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I have a patient who came in with abdominal pain and vomiting. They have a IV bolus of Saline in right arm running for 36 minutes and an IVP of Toradol in the left arm. Can someone tell me the correct way to code this?

Thank you,
Thank you. That was what I was thinking. The part that I was stuck with is can I use the vomiting for the 96360? It doesn't say that the patient was dehydrated anywhere in the chart.
You are not allowed to charge for hydration while the Toradol is being pushed. Be sure to have start and stop times for toradol as the hydration needs to run for 31 minutes in order to be able to charge for the initial hour. you would code the toradol at 96374 BUT if you then bill for hydration you would use 96361 (NOT 96360).
This is tricky. KSD would be correct IF the drug and hydration were administered thru the same IV line, but they were not. So I believe the first answer given is correct.
96374.59 (Toradol push)
96360 (Hydration NSS)
I would agree with the answer given by Andrschery. Per NCCI edits the Column 1 code 96360 should be listed 1st as it is the primary CPT code and the 96374-59 listed 2nd. The multiple procedure reduction rules do not apply to these codes as they have XXX global status indicators and they will both pay at 100%.

Just as supplemental source:
How many initial services may be billed per day?

Only one initial code is allowed per patient encounter unless two separate IV sites are medically reasonable and necessary (use modifier 59). If the patient returns for a separate and medically reasonable and necessary visit/encounter on the same day, another initial code may be billed for that visit with CPT modifier 59.