Wiki need help with EM 99281-99285 codes


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Help! Is there anyone out there that can shed some light on distinguishing the difference between these codes. I am taking CEDC test on 11-15-14 and am having difficulty understanding which code to assign on patients. If you can offer some direction to me, please respond!
Although located in the Emergency Department Services Section, there is no difference in distinguishing the E/M levels in a physician's office. Use your 1995/1995 guidelines for level accuracy just as you would for any other E/M category. Make sure that your documentation has significant information for the level you code (i.e. Problem Focused, Expanded Problem Focused, Detailed, Comprehensive). Relax and remember your guidelines. You will do GREAT!!!!
Help! Is there anyone out there that can shed some light on distinguishing the difference between these codes. I am taking CEDC test on 11-15-14 and am having difficulty understanding which code to assign on patients. If you can offer some direction to me, please respond!

Like Amy said, you would assign the levels the same way you would with any other E/M code - based on the level of key components - history, exam and MDM. The only difference is in the level of each of the key components that is needed for each code level is different - in other words you can't cross over a 99203 to 99283. For example, in the office for a new patient code 99203, you would need a detailed history and exam with a low MDM. In the ED for a level 3 - 99283, you would need only an expanded problem focused history and exam, but you would need at least a moderate MDM.

Hope that helps! :)