Wiki need help with diagnosis


True Blue
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Need other opinions on diagnosis. Would this just be coded as abnormal electrocardiogram?

Treadmill report reads: Electrocardiogram shows left axis deviation and an RSR prime in lead V2. She was injected with Lexican per protocol followed by radionuclide injection. She had no significant symptoms with Lexiscan injection and no significant ST changes were noted.

Thank you.
Need other opinions on diagnosis. Would this just be coded as abnormal electrocardiogram?

Treadmill report reads: Electrocardiogram shows left axis deviation and an RSR prime in lead V2. She was injected with Lexican per protocol followed by radionuclide injection. She had no significant symptoms with Lexiscan injection and no significant ST changes were noted.

Thank you.

Well since no one has answered this. Im going to say my opinion. I would not code this to an abnormal EKG. The reason being is I am not qulalified to interpret test results. And the physician didnt say it was abnormal did he/she?

If there is nothing else to go by for the impression I would use the indication as the dx.