Wiki Need help with deep inguinal sentinal node bx with intraoperative mapping

Garden City, MO
Best answers
Good morning Forum!! I am working on a report for Deep subfascial sentinel node biopsies identified by intraoperative mapping. One node with an update of 239 and the other with an uptake of 249 CPS. The surgeon is working near the Saphenous vein. The mapping code 38900 does not include a primary procedure remotely related to deep inguinal nodes? How would you all code this to include the deep dissection and the mapping?? I understand that there is a Part B News article from January 2009 and have seen an excerpt from that article but still am baffled.

Thank you!!
Carol J Self, CPPM, CPC, EMT
I would probably go with 38500 for the inguinal sentinel node biopsies, even though it is referred to as 'deep'. I would use an unlisted code 38999 for the sentinel node mapping for the reason you noted - none of the primary codes listed for 38900 apply.
2019 update

The previous answer was probably the best option before 2019. However, there is now a new code 38531 for the inguinofemoral lymph node biopsy. Additionally, 38900 has been updated to include 38531 as a base code. 38531 & 38900 are now the correct options.