Wiki need help with debridement


True Blue
Marrero, LA
Best answers
Please need help with this one .
DX- Osteomyelitis of the right plantar foot with biopsies of the calcaneous for culture and sensitivity

This was a deformed foot with the mid portion of the plantar surface denuded of skin. there was a small opening about 5mm in size over the distal calcaneus. Multiple pieces of bone were removed from this area and submitted for culture and sensitivity. The wound was irrigated with antibiotic solution and dressed .

What coded should i use ? 97597?
This is not the best documentation (documentation really should specify the total sq cm of area debrided as well as the instrumentation used such as curettes, scalpel, etc). However, based on this limited documentation, we know that "pieces of bone" were removed through a defect that was 5 mm across. The deepest tissue removed is bone and due to the small overlying defect and lack of documentation supporting total sq cm debrided, I would code 11044 as the minimum code supported in the documentation.