Wiki Need help with CPT coding on ear


Lima, Ohio
Best answers
I can't seem to locate the CPT code(s) for this surgery:

PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: Chronic infection of the right ear.

POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: Chronic infection of the right ear.

PROCEDURE PERFORMED: Radical debridement and exploration of right ear including resection of fistulous tract and cartilage and extensive scar tissue.

PROCEDURE: Under informed consent the patient was placed on the operative table. The above mentioned area was prepped and draped in the usual sterile manner. IV sedation was given. Block was then performed with 0.5% Marcaine with epinephrine. The patient did have some purulent drainage from the posterior auricular area. She had a previous basal cell done by a dermatologist with chronic recurrent infections. She still has recurrent infection. So I went through her previous posterior auricular incision. All the cartilage of the scapha was excised in toto as well as any extensive scar tissue in this area. There was a fistulous tract extending posterior to the lobule of the ear. That was excised in toto too. The wound irrigated and then loosely approximated with interrupted 4-0 nylon. Bacitracin and sterile dressing applied.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you!

69399 - Unlisted procedure, external ear

Sorry, I've looked and looked but can't come up with anything better than the Unlisted code ...

F Tessa Bartels, CPC, CEMC
Thanks for taking the time to look, I really appreciate it! I coded it with the unlisted code, so we'll see! Again, thanks!
