Wiki Need help with CPT code

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I need help finding a CPT code for this situation.....

Scalp hematoma with active arterial bleed, status post closed head trauma. The patient is on Coumadin because she had heart surgery.

Postop diagnosis: Large scalp hematoma with active arterial bleeding

Procedure: exploration with scalp hematoma and control of arterial bleeding.

The patient was given adequate sedation and the wound was exposed and draped. The hematoma was evacuated. There was a very strong arterial bleed and I was able to control this with pressure of my finger. This was sutured and ligated with at least three figure-of-eight OPDS sutures. Then the deepness of the scalp was found, also sutured together with running OPDS. Bleeding from the subcutaneous tissue was partially controlled with handheld cautery and then the skin was approximated using interrupted 2-0 nylon with the mattress sutures. Pressure dressing was applied. The patient tolerated the procedure well. The patient will be admitted for observation for a couple of days to make sure there will be no more bleeding.

Can someone help me with a CPT code for this procedure?