Wiki need help with carotid and celebral angio


Middletown, DE
Best answers
History of cerebrovascular accident progressive stenosis right internal carotid
artery by duplex imaging, history of left carotid stenting.

Diagnostic aortic arch cerebral angiogram followed by innominate and right
subclavian digital subtraction angiogram, followed by right carotid selective
angiogram and right cerebral angiogram, followed by left subclavian angiogram,
followed by left common carotid selective digital subtraction angiogram,
followed by left cerebral angiogram, followed by right ileofemoral angiogram.

After obtaining informed consent from the patient, a five French sheath was
placed in the right common femoral artery. A five French pigtail catheter was
advanced into the aortic arch and aortic arch cervical cerebral digital
subtraction angiogram was performed. This catheter was then exchanged out for
a five French diagnostic Judkins right coronary catheter. This was used
utilized for advancement of the catheter into the innominate artery for
selective innominate and right subclavian digital subtraction angiogram. Under
fluoroscopic guidance and with the use of a hydrophilic Zip wire, this catheter
was then advanced selectively into the right common carotid artery proximal to
mid vessel. The right common carotid artery selective digital subtraction
angiogram was performed of the cervical segment and additionally selective
right cerebral angiogram was performed in the anterior, posterior and lateral
projections. The catheter was then removed and advanced into the left
subclavian artery. The left subclavian selective digital subtraction angiogram
was performed. This catheter was then exchanged out for a five French Vitek
catheter which was utilized to selectively engage the left common carotid
artery vessel. Selective left common carotid artery digital subtraction
angiogram of the cervical segment was then performed, followed by selective
left cerebral angiogram performed in the anterior posterior and lateral
projections. The Vitek catheter was removed and angiography through the sheath
revealed the sheath in the common femoral artery and closure was obtained with
manual compression. No closure device was utilized. There were no

The intraaortic pressure was 115/60.
The aortic arch was patent with mild calcification and plaque on the superior
aspect. The patient had a Type I aortic arch essentially.
The innominate and right subclavian as well as right vertebral were patent.
There was minimal calcification or tortuosity of the innominate and right
common carotid artery. The right common carotid artery was patent, however, at
the bifurcation, the internal carotid artery on the right was widely patent.
However, there was severe stenosis of 80 to 90 percent at the osteal segment of
the right internal carotid artery. Beyond this, there was moderate tortuosity
of the vessel although it was widely patent into the cerebral vessels. The
right middle cerebral artery filled briskly although there was evidence for
collateral dilution of the contrast and there was, in fact, no filling of the
right anterior cerebral artery or any right to left crossover filling. There
was no notable stenoses of the right intracerebral vessels. The left
subclavian was patent with less than 30 percent stenosis and tortuosity in the
proximal but nonosteal segment. The left internal mammary artery in the left
vertebral were, otherwise, patent. The left common carotid artery arose in a
normal fashion between the innominate and left subclavian with mild plaque at
the ostium. This vessel was best engaged with the Vitek catheter as noted.
This vessel was widely patent. There was a stent present in the proximal
segment of the left internal carotid artery which had some mild band or kinking
but was widely patent. The left external carotid artery was also patent. The
continuation of the left internal carotid artery into the cerebral vessels was
widely patent and there was very prominent filling of the right anterior
cerebral artery and right intracerebral vessels from left to right crossover
filling through the left internal carotid artery and its distal vessels.

1. Severe stenosis of osteal segment of the right internal carotid artery.
2. Widely patent left internal carotid artery stent placed in 2007.
3. Significant left to right collateral filling crossover from left cerebral
vessels to the right cerebral vessels primarily through the anterior
communicating artery and anterior cerebral vessel.

The patient will be continued on his antiplatelet regimen as well as medical
management and be considered for intervention of his right internal carotid
artery stenosis.

i am thinking of 36222,36225 since 36221 is bundled into 36222
i would really appreciate if anyone can help. i am cath lab coder in hospital
For carotids I would use CPT Code 36223 as both intracranial(cerebral)and extracranial(cervical) carotids were imaged and reported. -50 for bilateral.


CPT code 36225 I am not sure. I am not sure if the vertebrals are being commented on from the cerviothoraic arch angio or from the selective subclavian images