Wiki Need help!!!!urgent!@!!HPI AssociatHPIed signs and symptoms


Aravenu, Tamil Nadu
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Hi friends
I need a help to count HPI elements for the below scenario...
Patient came for itchy bump on scalp for 3 days. and Treated with nothing. Patient also have rhinnorea and post nasal drip.

I have a doubt whether we can consider post nasal drip as an associated signs and symptoms.

I have heard like the associated signs and symptoms should be related to the chief complaint.since we cannot consider this post nasal drip as an associated signs and we cannot warrants 1 points for this.

please anyone make me clear on this..
Are you looking to count post nasal drip as an associated sign and symptoms of the itchy bump on the scalp or of the rhinorrhea? It could be an associated sign & symptom of the rhinorrhea (because it is related), but not of the bump on the scalp (because it's not related).
Hi friends
I need a help to count HPI elements for the below scenario...
Patient came for itchy bump on scalp for 3 days. and Treated with nothing. Patient also have rhinnorea and post nasal drip.

I have a doubt whether we can consider post nasal drip as an associated signs and symptoms.

I have heard like the associated signs and symptoms should be related to the chief complaint.since we cannot consider this post nasal drip as an associated signs and we cannot warrants 1 points for this.

please anyone make me clear on this..

1.Quality - itchy
2.Location - scalp
3.Duration - 3 days
4.Modifying factors - treated with nothing

You don't need associated signs and symptoms.
My understanding is that you can only count something as a modifying factor if you document the way in which it modified the condition. (ie: "Pt has been applying cortisone cream" would not count, whereas "pt has been applying cortisone cream and states that this relieves the itch" would count - or "pt wears a hat when she goes outside" would not count, but "pt wears a hat when she goes outside and feels that the hat irritates the spot and makes it itch worse" would count.)

Thus, "treated with nothing" would not be enough information.