Wiki Need help to code this: Please help

Millport, AL
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CC:Ms. X is a 56-year-old female.

Past Medical History / Family History / Social History:

Past Medical History:

Skin cancer: multiple basal cells have been excised;

Current Problems:
Basal cell carcinoma
Dupuytren's contracture
Lipoma, of skin and subcutaneous tissue, NEC
Unspecified skin lesion


Current Medications:
Darvocet-N 100 Tablet Take 1 tablet(s) by mouth q 4 to 6 hr prn
Mobic 7.5mg Tablet Take 1 tablet(s) by mouth daily



Current: 4/10/2008 5:20:24 PM
Ht: 66 inches; Wt: 138 lbs; BMI: 22.27
T: 98.7 F (oral); BP: 126/74 mm Hg (left arm, sitting); P: 71 bpm (left arm (BP Cuff), sitting); R: 14 bpm

Basal cell carcinoma

Procedure Note:
Informed consent obtained in writing. She expresses understanding that a scar may remain after the lesion is removed. Sterile technique is observed.
Malignant Lesion #1 is a basal cell carcinoma located on left anterior shoulder. The lesion is removed by excision. Anesthesia was obtained with 1 cc of 1% lidocaine with epinephrine. The wound is closed with 6 simple interrupted stitch(es) using 4-0 Ethilon. Hemostasis is achieved with application of pressure. The specimen is sent for pathology review.

Atypical skin lesion

Procedure Note:

Benign appearing lesion #1 is located on left posterior knee. The method of removal is excision. Anesthesia was obtained with 1 cc of 1% lidocaine with epinephrine. The wound is closed with 5 simple interrupted stitch(es) using 4-0 Ethilon. Hemostasis is achieved with application of pressure. The specimen is sent for pathology review.

Atypical skin lesion

Procedure Note:

Benign appearing lesion #2 is right anterior lower leg. The method of removal is excision. Anesthesia was obtained with 1 cc of 1% lidocaine with epinephrine. The wound is closed with 5 simple interrupted stitch(es) using 4-0 Ethilon. Hemostasis is achieved with application of pressure. The specimen is sent for pathology review.

Atypical skin lesion

Procedure Note:

Lesion #3 is mid anterior chest. The method of removal is excision. Anesthesia was obtained with 1 cc of 1% lidocaine with epinephrine. The wound is closed with 6 simple interrupted stitch(es) using 4-0 Ethilon. Hemostasis is achieved with application of pressure. The specimen is sent for pathology review.


173.9 Basal cell carcinoma
238.2 Atypical skin lesion
238.2 Atypical skin lesion
238.2 Atypical skin lesion


Basal cell carcinoma

Excision, malignant lesion, trunk, arms, legs; lesion diameter 0.6 to 1.0cm

Atypical skin lesion

Excision, benign lesion, except skin tag, trunk, arms, legs; lesion diameter 0.6 to 1.0 cm
A4550 Surgical trays (x1)

Atypical skin lesion

Excision, benign lesion w/margins (not skin tag), trunk, arms, legs; excised diameter 0.6 to 1.0 cm

Atypical skin lesion

Excision, benign lesion w/margins (not skin tag), trunk, arms, legs; excised diameter 0.6 to 1.0 cm


Primary Diagnosis:
173.9 Basal cell carcinoma left anterior shoulder

99211-51 Office/outpatient visit; established patient, level 1
11601 Excision, malignant lesion, trunk, arms, legs; lesion diameter 0.6 to 1.0cm

238.2 Atypical skin lesion posterior left knee

11401 Excision, benign lesion, except skin tag, trunk, arms, legs; lesion diameter 0.6 to 1.0 cm
A4550 Surgical trays (x1)

238.2 Atypical skin lesion right anterior lower leg

11401 Excision, benign lesion w/margins (not skin tag), trunk, arms, legs; excised diameter 0.6 to 1.0 cm

238.2 Atypical skin lesion anterior mid chest

11401 Excision, benign lesion w/margins (not skin tag), trunk, arms, legs; excised diameter 0.6 to 1.0 cm

The provider doesn't want to charge the level 1 office visit, but other than that how would you code the rest of it?

Thank you
Kristie Stokes, CPC-A:eek:
I would not code the office visit because you don't have a documented chief complaint and it looks like the provider didn't treat or address any other problems except the lesions. Be careful coding sep. E/M visits same day as sure your documentation supports the charge and when it does, use modifier 25 on your sep. E/M code.

I would use 11601 X 1 with dx 173.6, 11401 X 3 with dx 238.9 if I coded from the record you presented.

I always wait for the path report and verify the size of the lesions and verify the type of lesion. For instance, there is the dx of lipoma on the record above and if that was one of the lesions excised, its code would not be 238.9, it would be 214.x.

If your CPT 11401 had different dx's for these three lesions (like one was a lipoma and one was AK and one was nevus) I would code them with 11401 x 1 with dx 214.x, 11401-59 with dx 702.0, 11401-59 with dx 216.x. Mod 59 tells the payer they are different lesions/sites but the procedure the provider used to remove them was the same. Some payers want us to use modif 76 if they are different lesions on the same body site (even though it's really not a repeat procedure on the same lesion). Don't use mod 51 unless you're doing multiple procedures through the same incision at the same session.

Clear as mud?
I understand what you are saying and it makes perfect sense. Now my question is where do I apply the x1 or x2, etc? I'm not sure where it can go in our system to generate on the bill, unless the physician does an addendum to the note and I send it paper claim with the note? The payer is Tricare. Oh and we did receive the pathology report back before completing the size and type of lesions removed.

Kristie Stokes, CPC-A
Kristie - in this case, you shouldn't apply a x1 or x2 anywhere. (but in cases where you do, it would go in the "unit" box of the coding program or claim form). you wouldn't use modifier .51 on the office visit (if they were charging it) - it would be modifier .25 - "if" documentation supported an E/M with the procedures performed.
for the procedures,(from the information you gave) I would code as follows:
11601 link to dx 173.9
11401 link to dx 238.2
11401.59 link to dx 238.2
11401.59 link to dx 238.2

Donna :)
Thank you all very much :) ..this helped alot! I feel blessed being a part of such a big family who helps each other out......

Kristie Stokes, CPC-A
Size of lesion plus margin

The size of the lesion (plus margin) is taken BEFORE excision. Tissues can shrink before pathology gets to them.

The type of lesion - malignant or benign, etc - comes from the path report, so you would wait for the path report to finish your coding.

I would code each lesion on a separate line with -59 modifier on each line after the first one.

F Tessa Bartels, CPC-E/M