Wiki Need Help..struggling


Redding, CA
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I need help coding this small bowel obstruction procedure. The op note is a little iffy, and I'm just not able to choose a code, cause I'm second guessing every one I choose. Please help!!

op note: A midline incision was made. Adhesions were lysed. There were dense adhesions in one spot on the mid abdominal wall, which was actually not the site of obstruction but had to be freed to visualize the peritoneal cavity. A seromuscular defect in two locations occurred during sharp dissection. However, this was easily repaired with silk suture without enterotomy or narrowing the lumen. The site of obstruction was clear. One adhesive band from the pelvis completely strangled the bowel leaving a deep indentation in bothe the bowel and the mesentery. After cutting the band, the bowel appeared viable. The remainder of the bowel was free of adhesion or obsturction and the transition point between distended and nondistended bowel was clear.

I'm not sure if this warrants the 44050, but I'm not sure if I should just code the lysis of the adhesions. hmmmm...thanks for the help in advance!