Wiki Need Help Please?

Tulsa, OK
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I need help. I recently passed my CPC exam back in May of this year and just found out about Xtern program and Practicode towards the end of August and I am saving up to pay for the Praticode. In my job search over the past few months everyone wants anywhere from 1-5 years of experience which put me at a lost. I have found a coding job that requires you to have high school diploma or GED and 6 months of experience but said in lieu of the 6 months experience you can have a CPC. Now I have a CPC-A and I'm not sure if that would be acceptable for me to apply. Can someone please help me I would appreciate it because I don't know who to ask?
Without the knowledge of your work history and backround it is a little hard to answer, but what I can say is it never hurts to apply. A really well put together resume may attract the attention of an employer + your work history + now that your certified. Don't be discouraged though, you may send out 50 resumes and only hear back from a few that want to follow up. It also never hurts to send resumes and after about a week, do a follow up of your own (i.e. call or email the place of business to follow up.) I hope this is helpful and good luck to you!