Wiki Need help !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NEW PATIENT


Aravenu, Tamil Nadu
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Hi ....
A patient has seen by a Pulmonologist Dr. A and he admitted the patient in Hospital, and we have filled the claim with Tax ID XXXXXXXXX1, and once he discharged from this hospital, the patient has seen by another pulmonologist Dr. B in his clinic, but still both claims are filled under same Tax ID. Here is this patient NEW or ESTABLISHED for Dr. B. How we can bill to Dr.B..

Im confued with this ...

Defining “group practice”
Although groups with multiple practice sites may operate independently, with each caring for its own patient population and maintaining its own medical records, they are considered a single group if they have the same tax identification number.

In a single-specialty practice, the patient’s encounter should be reported with a code in a new patient category only if no physician or other provider who reports services using CPT codes in that group has seen the patient within the last three years. For example, let’s say your partner saw a patient who is new to your practice in the emergency department (ED) over the weekend. The following week you see the patient in the office. Since someone else in your practice has seen the patient within the last three years, you have to use an established patient code. This is the case even though the patient had not been seen in the office and there was not an established medical record there.

Incase, if the speciality is same , but they have billed under different TAX ID means, how we can bill this patient for DR.B....

Anyone make me clear on this ..
Thanks in advance....
Since Dr. A and Dr. B are both the same specialty (Pulmonologist) in the same practice (TIN XXXXXXXX1) the patient is established. If Dr B. is billing under a different TIN (XXXXXXXX2) then the patient would be new to his practice.

If Dr. B was a different specialty (say, Cardiology) in the same practice (TIN XXXXXXXX1) then the patient would be new to Dr. B.
Different providers seeing pts for differnt reasons but both MD..

I have a regular family MD see a patient and then i have another MD-but does psych visits see a patient in our practice. The family MD saw patient a while back, then Psych MD saw patient.. wouldn't the psych MD see the patient as Established? We bill the Psych MD visits as E/M codes just like the Family MD.
Unless the Psychiatrist is also credentialed as Family Medicine, or has seen the patient within the 3 year threshold, the patient should likely be considered "New Patient". Family Medicine and Psychiatry are two different specialties. We have a multispecialty provider group, and have our patients seen MDs across the board within Urology, Derm, Endocrinology, Family Medicine, etc., and follow the above rules.

Here are some references:

CGS Medicare (MAC)

Noridian (my local MAC)

AAPC Knowledge Center article