Wiki Need help !!! - I need to know the proper


Minnetonka, MN
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I need to know the proper way to code a pap and annual visit and I have some codes the G0101 and the Q0091 Do I use just these or are there other codes I can use in junction with these. IT is very confusing to me and just want to be doing it correctly
Depends on what exactly is done and the insurance. Also, what exactly does an "annual visit" mean in your office...this can vary!

Q0091- Collection of a pap smear (ONLY)
G0101- Pelvic/Breast exam (ONLY- but must hit 7 of 11 specified bullets)

These are known as "Medicare" codes, but some commercial payers will take them as well.

For a "well woman exam" some commercial payers will want a preventative code (i.e. 99396) with a V72.3 dx.

Medicare does not pay on preventative codes, unless you are doing a "welcome to medicare exam" or an "annual wellness which you would code those AND code the Q and G codes IF THEY are done at the same time.

If you are doing a COMPLETE PHYSICAL and a pap for can carve out
the pap and such from a preventative code (99397) and the patient has to pay the difference.

It can be confusing I agree! Does this help?
I am fairly new to all of this what do you mean by carve out the pap , Just don't charge the insurance but charge the patient so i will need to have them sign an ABN ? Then my next question is does medicare not cover a pap at all. Sorry I know this is stupid just need to know. By annual it a true annual all the routine check up stuff so I guess to be more specific preventative visit.