Wiki Need Help for Suture Ligation


Kalispell, MT
Best answers
Hi everyone,

I've been trying to find a code for this procedure. I was wondering if anybody can help me.

Pt. was readmitted in the hospital with bleeding 7 days after hernia repair. There were no complications from previous surgery but this is a complication from ileostomy bag.

Procedure: Initially was felt to be coming from the ileostomy, but after removing the appliance, it appeared that it was more related to disruption of the mucocutaneous junction of the ileostomy. There were couple of oozing sites at the disrupted mucocutaneous junction and using 3-0 silk sutures, both of these sites were oversewn with a figure-of-eight fashion with good associated hemostasis. A new appliance was applied. The procedure was terminated. The patient tolerated the procedure well without complications.

Any help is greatly appreciated. :)