Wiki Need help coding surgery note


Russellville, AL
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Provider op notes reads:

Operation: Incision and drainage of Bartholin duct gland abscess placement of Word catheter, biopsy of gland wall.

Procedure: Once adequate anesthesia had been achieved and the patient prepped and draped in the dorsal lithotomy position, the area on the inside of labia on the right that was distorted by the Bartholin gland was incised. A very thickened capsule was encountered. This was opened and a large amount of pus extruded. This was cultured. A careful evaluation and exploration was preformed to break up all loculations. The anterior segment of the cyst wall was removed A word catheter was placed and inflated with 3 mL of normal saline. This was secured by running locking suture of 4-o Vicryl closing the incision. A carbuncle involving impacted hair and the middle anterior mons was opened and removed. A single suture of 4-o Vicryl was placed here as well. A sessile mole was rmoved from the left panty line. The patient was awakened and returned to recovery room in good condition. All counts were reported as correct x2.

What procedure code would I use?
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