Wiki Need help coding release of SBO


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Any help would be appreciated. Our surgeon did a laparoscopic release of small bowel obstruction and epigastric herniorrhaphy. Will I have two codes? Which one for the SBO?

Here is the op report:

A supraumbilical incision was made. I encountered an incarcerated epigastric hernia at this location and transected the incarcerated fat with electrocautery dissection. The peritoneum was then addressed and incised. Lap exam revealed the patient had adhesive band from one portion of the ileum to another and this was transected. The patient had incomplete obstruction with adhesive bands to the anterior abdominal wall, and these omental adhesions to the anterior abdominal wall were takend down with blunt dissection. The adhesions of small bowell to the anteriror abd wall were takend down and then the adhesive loop adhesions were lysed with sharp dissection. The segment of the bowel that was involved was inspected. The epigastric hernia repair was accomplaished with stitches and subcutaneous tissue was closed.

My question is can I code for both or is the sbo causing the epigastric hernia?

Thanks for the help.
I would bill the hernia. If he mentions how much time spent taking down the adhesions thatn I would add a 22 modifier and attach a letter.