Wiki need help coding delivery of twins both stillborn


Concord, MA
Best answers
If anyone could help me I need to bill for a delivery of twins (both stillborn) at 16 weeks. I know I cannot bill using global delivery codes...What codes should I be using for this?

Would appreciate any help on this. :)
Per ACOG and the AMA, when the delivery is prior to 20 wks, we must use an E&M code; most likely 99223 w/ dx 632, V27.4 indicating the twins stillbirths.
We may also bill for the delivery of placenta 59414; just append a 25 mod to the E&M.
That code depends on what is done. Bill out the antepartum visits. Was a D&C or D&E done? That is your procedure for the demise. If the patient expelled them on her own, you would use the correct facility coding, or perhaps the doctor delivered placenta? You will need more details.