Wiki Need help...ASAP!


Marion, IA
Best answers
I have a question regarding billing for interpretations of studies done at the hospital. It is my understanding that if a pt is inpt at the hospital and has, for example, an echo done, that the physician that does the interp of that study would bill the pos as the location of the patient and the dos as the date the study was actually done. The physician may or may not be at the hospital.

Is this correct? Could someone give me some supporting documentation on how this is to be done?

Thank you in advance!
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Thank you for your response. I had reviewed that article, and my problem is that I have interpreted it to mean that the physician should bill the professional portion with the same dos/pos as the study. Another person in our office interpreted it to mean that the physician should bill the pos as the physical location of the physician.

Can anyone please clarify?

Thank you!