Wiki Need debridement help!!


West county
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I am new to coding and have tried searching this on the web. We had a patient come in for his post op app of a toe amputation. The dr did a debridement of the necrotic skin edges. Is the debridement included in the global period of the amputation or do I bill for the debridement?

I would consider the debridement as part of the surgical amputation if it is part of the same anatomical site. Here is a reference to the website:

What services are
included in the global
surgery payment?

Medicare includes the following services
in the global surgery payment when they
provide them in addition to the surgery:
All additional medical or surgical services required
of the surgeon during the post-operative period of
the surgery because of complications, which do
not require additional trips to the operating room.

What services are not included in the global
surgery payment?

Treatment for the underlying condition or an
added course of treatment which is not part
of normal recovery from surgery;
Clearly distinct surgical procedures that occur
during the post-operative period which are not reoperations
or treatment for complications.

I would ask the provider if debridement is often performed after an amputation due to necrotic tissue. If not, it should be ok to report the debridement as not part of the global.