Wiki need clarification on I & D of abscesses

North Waterboro, Maine
Best answers
dr coded I & D 10060, 10061

however do we code it 10061

operative report:

Name of Procedure: Incision and drainage of bilateral buttocks abscesses and percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy tube placement

Description of procedure: The patient was brought to the operating room, placed in supine position. After anesthesia was complete, a timeout was done. We placed the upper endoscope into the patient's esophagus and stomach and duodenum and found a mild amount of gastritis, but otherwise looking normal. We then identified an area of maximal fingertip indentation and light illumination at a place where there was a previous PEG tube site, prepped and draped sterilely, made a 1cm incision over the top of this, passed the introducer needle into the patient's stomach, passed the wire, grasped the wire with a snare and pulled the snare out through the patient's mouth, attached a 24-french pull-type PEG tube to the snare and pulled this out through the patient's abdomen, attached the bumper, connector and clamp to the tube, put the scope back down in place to make sure we were in proper position, which we were. We desufflated the abdomen and removed the scope. We then placed the patient in prone position, prepped and draped sterilely. On the left buttock, she had a large 5 cm abscess in the subcutaneous tissue. We made a cruciate incision over the top of this, drained out significant purulent fluid and sent a culture of this, cut off some additional skin tissue, irrigated copiously and packed it with Betadine-soaked gauze. She also had a small 2 cm abscess on her right buttocks. With a knife we opened this up as well and drained purulent fluid and sent a culture of this as well, and packed this with Betadine-soaked gauze, placed a dressing over the top of everything.