Wiki Need assistance on free CEUs.


Dharmapuri, Tamil Nadu
Best answers
Hi There,

I am in need of additional free CEUs apart from the points I gatherd using "coding edge" monthly tests. (I can not afford buying the CUE's) I tried in CMS Web based training modules, but unfortunately I could find no courses available for the moment.

Hope you guys could help me guiding on the links which offers free CEU's.

Thank you!
Try the CMS website link provided in the "low cost CEU" section of this website, I could not find any courses available through the CMS until I used this link. I also signed up for some free webinars offered by our Medicare contractor (Palmetto GBA) which were not CEU approved, but submitted an application to AAPC to have them approved for CEU's. Also, are you attending local chapter meetings? My local chapter's monthly meetings are free and they are almost always approved for 2 CEU's.
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Try other MACs

I attened three Webinars last week hosted by Novatins (sp?) even though they are not our MAC (Medicare carrier). All were approved for core CEU's and one of them was also approved for CEMC.

I came across this site ( as I was scrambling for my last two CEUs this week. See the bottom of the page for pre-recorded on demand webinar. There is a quiz at the end and if you pass they email you the certificate. I only listened to one but it was pretty informative. I only wish they scheduled more time at the end for the Q&A like the NPC do.
Novitas Solutions

This is a great resource for no cost CEU's. I completed the E/M webinar today which was 2 CEU's. They have a schedule of upcoming webinars that you can register and download handouts. There are many ways in which to receive no cost CEU's, monthy quiz from the magazine, attend your local AAPC meetings, and online resources. I find that if I keep up with it on a consistent basis then I'm not scrambling to try to find something at renewal time.

Hope this helps
Mln matters with cms

I must say the information on where exactly to locate the information on how many ceu credits are awarded for the many mln educational web guides was very helpful, and actually i may have never found it without this advice! I want to thank you so much. It means the world when someone does something to assist others which they really did not have to!


I am short of 22 CEUs. I cannot afford to buy the CEUs . can u please suggest how to complete my CEUs before the end of this month.
Icd-10 cm web based training course free ceu's

I completed assessment and printed off ceu certificate but do not see any index number, are these approved by AAPC? and where do I find the index numbers?
Thanks, for all help Michelle Brenton CPC
I haven't used the MLN since 2014 (guess who's CEU's are due this year! :D ) but I went through my CEU tracker and I did have numbers from somewhere....if it isn't on the certificate is it somewhere on the training information?

Last time I was on the list of approved modules looked like a grid. Maybe the number is on there?
low cost ceu's

I did find the index numbers in the information package Thanks my ceu are not due until 2018 but my company is not paying for ceu's anymore so I do not want to wait until the last minute
Free ceu's

Hi There,

I am in need of additional free CEUs apart from the points I gatherd using "coding edge" monthly tests. (I can not afford buying the CUE's) I tried in CMS Web based training modules, but unfortunately I could find no courses available for the moment.

Hope you guys could help me guiding on the links which offers free CEU's.

Thank you!

FREE CEU'S GO TO THE Navicure we site log in as student/workers and browse youll find