Wiki Need a quick answer about bilateral spinal interventions


Rockmart, GA
Best answers
I have a report that says bilateral t-9 and t10 intercostal selective catheterization and arteriograms were performed. I take this to mean I can bill the cath and S&I codes twice... once for each side... is this correct?
I have a report that says bilateral t-9 and t10 intercostal selective catheterization and arteriograms were performed. I take this to mean I can bill the cath and S&I codes twice... once for each side... is this correct?

Assuming the documentation is there, you should actually have 8 codes:
36215 x4 (L/R T9, L/R T10)
75705 x4 (L/R T9, L/R T10)

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re spinal interventions

Danny and other peeps

i am studying for CIRCC and am confused when i see 75705, 75705x4...for example if several bilateral interventions done, why is this, i am not finding the answer quite easily..i.e: .

drawing a blank

help me Rhonda or Danny or anyone...