Per CPT ASST 4/2010
Question: What would be the appropriate CPT code for excision of a sebaceous cyst on the scalp or on the face that is subdermal or deeper?
Answer: Integumentary lesion excision codes pertain to the epidermis, dermis, and subcutaneous tissue, while musculoskeletal lesion excision codes pertain to subcutaneous, superficial or deep soft tissues. Code ranges 11400-11446 and 11600-11646 represent lesions that normally occur on the surface of the skin (epidermis) or near the surface of the skin (dermis), compared to the type of lesion (or tumor) that occurs in the subfascial or fascial tissue, muscles and joints, as listed in the musculoskeletal section. A sebaceous cyst is a skin lesion and may be very large, distending the skin and pushing into the subcutaneous fatty tissue, but it is a skin lesion, and therefore, should be coded using the integumentary lesion excision codes, depending on the size of the cyst.