Wiki Near Graduation Just completed Internship attempting to get a job with no experience


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Hello fellow coders. I am in Louisville Kentucky and am just about to graduate with my Associates in Medical Billing and Coding. I just completed my internship and have gained tremendous experience from the time I have done that but do not have any on the job experience in coding. Most jobs I am looking at want bare minimum of 6 months experience in coding. Anyone have any suggestions for me as far as how to get an employer to give a future new grad a chance ?
Most advice I have had is to try to get in a medical office at the front desk or medical records. Im gonna go beating the bushes with my resume!!! Someone out there has to hire a newbie!!! I am going to take my CPC in October. Good Luck!!! Dont give up!!!
Congratulations on being so closing to finishing! I'm right there with you. I'm in Jacksonville, Fl and I've got about a month left before I finish my AA in Medical Insurance Billing and Coding. Even though I've finished by externship, I too have no real coding experience. I was in a billing department for mine, so the closest I got to coding was auditing. I really enjoyed auditing over billing, but still would have liked to code. I was hoping on getting a job offer at my externship site, but no such luck. They hired someone new about a week before I completed by externship. :-(

Hopefully, I'll be taking my CPC in October to add to the resume. I feel good about it because I've already taken one practice exam and passed as a part of an abstracting class I'm taking. I've got two more practice exams to go, so I'll see if the first one was just a fluke.

Good luck to us all with our certifications and job hunt!