Wiki NCD for acupuncture


Escondido, CA
Best answers
Hello - I have found a list of the covered dx for acupuncture but I think it's outdated. I have a hard time finding info within the NCD CMS (difficulty navigating).

Can someone please provide a link for the ICD-10 codes vs the NCD.
Hello - I have found a list of the covered dx for acupuncture but I think it's outdated. I have a hard time finding info within the NCD CMS (difficulty navigating).

Can someone please provide a link for the ICD-10 codes vs the NCD.

Indications and Limitations of Coverage

B. Nationally Covered Indications
Effective for claims with dates of service on and after January 21, 2020, acupuncture is only covered for chronic low back pain under section 1862(a)(1)(A) of the Social Security Act (the Act). See National Coverage Determination section 30.3.3 for specific coverage criteria.
C. Nationally Non-Covered Indications
Medicare reimbursement for acupuncture, as an anesthetic, or as an analgesic or for other therapeutic purposes, may not be made unless the specific indication is excepted. All indications for acupuncture outside of NCD section 30.3.3 remain non-covered.