Wiki NB hospitalized for 2 months


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I am not as familiar with coding IP newborn ICU stays and would appreciate any advice/help.

I am using the newborn codes up to the 28th day. The baby is in ICU for these diagnoses:
V30.00, 779.89, 235.1 (benign glioma nasopharynx), 776.6 anemia in prematurity, 772.4 Gi bleeding, 769 (RDS), V44.0 tracheostomy, 774.6 jaundice, 765.17, 765.26 prematurity & V45.89 postop.

Starting on the 29th day are these the correct diagnoses: 235.1, 285.9, 578.9, 786.09,
V44.0, V45.89? How would I code the prematurity?

During the ICU stay I am also using the 99749 for subsequent visits, so after the 28th day would I start using the regular IP subsequent visit codes 99231-99233?


I assume you mean you were using 99479 for a low birth-weight infant up to day of life 28.

Yes, on DOL 29 you would use the subsequent inpatient hospital visit codes - unless, of course, the child were critically ill.

Hope that helps.

F Tessa Bartels, CPC, CEMC