I spoke to one of our physicians who performs 30465 often. When I asked if it is common to do an advancement flap with 30465, he explained the below. So I'm going to safely assume if the physician's documentation is clearly there, I would bill for the advancement flaps.
From: Mark Agrama
Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2016 5:27 PM
To: Lisa Jones
Subject: Re: Repair of nasal vestibular stenosis with adjacent tissue transfer
There are many possible secondary grafts and procedures that can be performed with 30465. My current technique avoids using secondary sites for graft, instead reconstructing the integrity of the nasal valve with suturing and the creation of an intravalve pocket which enables scar formation and increased valve integrity. Spreader grafts can be helpful, but they are an example of one of the techniques, not essential for the procedure.
Thank you,
Mark Agrama, MD