Wiki N90.89 Age Applicable


Longs, SC
Best answers
I just got a denial for using this. The reason for the denial was the patient's age. I have searched every resource to correct this. Is N90.89 only used on females of a certain age group? Or am I missing something? Please HELP!
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Hi Kwatt,
Well ICD10 manual states dx N90.89 states for female with adhesions on vulva and hypertrophy (large clitoris.) Is the patient quite elderly or a very young female? the dx block above N90 states for female cutting or tattoos in this private area or mutilation. Could it be denied cause unspecified dx??? Also depends on if another dx and type procedure done. Umm in some cultures overseas do female circumcision but maybe this is affecting why denied cause looking at pt s age.
Well hope this data helps
Lady T
Hi Kwatt,
Well ICD10 manual states dx N90.89 states for female with adhesions on vulva and hypertrophy (large clitoris.) Is the patient quite elderly or a very young female? the dx block above N90 states for female cutting or tattoos in this private area or mutilation. Could it be denied cause unspecified dx??? Also depends on if another dx and type procedure done. Umm in some cultures overseas do female circumcision but maybe this is affecting why denied cause looking at pt s age.
Well hope this data helps
Lady T
The dx was specified so that couldn't be the cause. The patient was very young. Any more ideas? Please and thanks.
The dx was specified so that couldn't be the cause. The patient was very young. Any more ideas? Please and thanks.

Is the patient young enough that they might be expecting a code from Q52.- for a congenital condition?

One of the conditions named under N90.89 is hypertrophy of clitoris. In the alphabetic index, hypertrophy, clitoris has a default code of N90.89. It also has a subentry for hypertrophy, clitoris, congenital which directs you to Q52.6.

You said that your patient was very young. If the patient is young enough, the payer may be expecting it to be a congenital rather than an acquired condition.

I'd confirm with the provider whether it was a congenital rather than an acquired condition and if so follow the alphabetic index for the condition as congenital.