Wiki My First Coding Job...MAYBE


Phoenix, AZ
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Hey everyone,

So I have been working at a local hospital for 6 months now in registration. I got my CPC-A in Feb and have been applying for coding jobs or anything in the direction of coding and a step up from registration. I was able to get in touch with a coder at the hospital and she asked me some questions and told me she would give my resume to her boss. They have an outpatient coding position available which she said was basically entry level. (Now I work in the hospital but I actually work for a different company than the hospital or the hospitals mother company.) So, I then met with the HIM associate director and she gave me a little 10 question test and I think I did OK. Not sure if there is a passing score or not but it may be just a simple assessment. I never had a real interview since I work full time and they kind of just skated me along discretely. I am supposed to hear back this week!! They had a few more candidates interviewing this week so we'll see.

I am nervous because this a big opportunity for me. I have no idea of my chances. I am a recent grad of a coding school and just passed the test with an 80 but have no work exp besides being in the hospital in registration. I don't really know if I am considered an internal applicant but it seems they gave me a little leeway based on me being employed there. I was enthusiastic and explained why I chose coding and I send the director a thank you note after I met with her. :D;)

Any advice on actions now? Just wait it out? She asked starting salary and I said 20/hr, my research showed that this is average for starting in coding especially here in the Boston area.
That sounds like a great opportunity! Congratulations on the progress that you have made so far. Just getting the interview is a HUGE step in the right direction. It sounds like you are you doing everything you should be doing. Sending a thank you note to the director after the interview was a great touch. Good luck to you and sending good vibes!!!!
Well it has been about 2 weeks since I met with the HIM associate director. I sent an email yesterday to her and left a message on the recruiter's voicemail. The recruiter called me back and left a message to call her back. I did and she didn't answer so I went to HR and saw her and she told me the position was filled and that she sent an email about it. I guess it wasn't meant to be. Kinda mad I had to find out by investigating-which, in my experience, is usually a bad sign in itself. I'll just continue looking and applying for other places. Would have been nice but it's OK.

I'll apply to actual coding jobs but are there any other jobs I should be looking at that would help me get more exposure and relevant experience for coding? A step up from registration??