Wiki MVA dx coding ?


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Hello I am a radiologist coder and have a question. Quite frequently after Auto accidents people come to the ER/hospital (obvisouly), the reports state MVA for reason for exam, but many times do not state pt has injury, infact sometimes a chest x-ray will state "reason for exam: shortness of breathe, MVA." After an auto claim pateints are normally told to go get checked out just in case, even if they have no known injury or trama.

I believe we should use V71.4, but some coworkers just us injury codes, or findings whether or not related to the MVA.

Any opinions?
you are correct the code is the V71.4 if no findings are revealed. This is well covered in coding clinics which are cited in the code book. Your med record dept probably has these on file or they may be part of your encoder. Many facility encoders have them embeded.