Wiki musculoskeletal template

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Does anybody know where I can find a musculoskeletal template. Im having a difficult time trying to identify where the bullets are. Im pretty good finding the body systems but not the bullets for example:
Pt is a well developed male, appears his state age. lungs are clear to ausculation. Heart regular rate and rythm. extremities without edema, very limited range of motion in flexion, extension and lateral tenderness in the midline and paraspinal areas. Some SI joint and tochanteric bursa tenderness. has almost full flexion. but extension is extremely limited. He can hardly get to neutral extension. Upper and lower extremities with normal strength, sensation and deep tendon reflexes.

I have :
Constitution 1 pt
respritory 1 pt
Cardiovascular 1 pt
Extremities without edema ??
Upper and lower extremities with normal strength 1 pt
neurologic- sensation and deep tendon reflexes 1 pt -
I know I'm missing stuff, help