Wiki Multiple place of service in the same day?


Rockmart, GA
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I have a scenario that is being explained to me by the hospital, as a patient that presented to the hospital for a thoracentesis but was then sent to the ER. They billed the thoracentesis as ER. We received a denial for the place-of-service and the insurance rep told us they would not pay this procedure when performed in the ER.

I do not know enough about this area to be clear on how to bill the place of service. (I bill for a hospitaled based radiology group)

I would think that the exam performed as OP would be billed as OP and then all the exams performed in the ER would be billed as ER.

The person at the hospital is saying they have to bill everything as ER because it was all the same date of service. Can someone help clear this up for me?